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The Pupil Premium at Gartree

The Pupil Premium is additional funding that the school receives from the Department for Education (DfE) for students who are in care, on free school meals (FSM) or have been FSM at any point in the last 6 years. The Pupil premium is used to provide additional support and assist in raising achievement for those students that need it most, for example meeting all or part of the cost of educational trips or materials for children on FSMs. We have also provided targeted extra support to raise attainment in some subjects for students who qualify for pupil premium. Parents are encouraged to register their child as eligible for FSMs, if applicable, as this will mean that the school receives its maximum entitlement and also students on FSMs can access additional support and resources. There may be financial assistance available for Pupil Premium pupils for school trips but individual enquiries to the school should be made regarding this assistance.

PP statement of intent 




A belief that all students must participate in the culture and ethos of the school  


As a school community we work on the principle of “no child left behind”.  

At Gartree High School we have high aspirations of all students.  This means that we want and expect all of our students to participate in a wide range of activities, both within the normal school day and outside of it. 

We recognise that aspiration and achievement are personal goals for each of our students. Success can and will mean different things for different students, but the key to allowing everyone to reach their potential is the removal of barriers to success. In order to do this, students will need support. Those students who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs may require financial or educational barriers to be removed for them to participate fully.  The school will always strive to identify and remove these barriers. 

We push our students to strive for excellence. Participation is much more than simply “joining in” and we want all of our students to be enthusiastic, engaged participants who feel they can be the best at whatever they choose to do. Sometimes this may mean encouraging or even insisting students take part in opportunities they might otherwise reject. As a school community we work on the principle of “no child left behind”.  Wherever possible we want opportunities to be inclusive, open and reflective of our school’s diverse and supportive community.  We want our school to reach out to all – both within the school and with our wider local community.  


  • Being known by the staff – SLT, HoD, HoY, AHoYs, Teachers, Office staff, Catering staff, Premises. 

  • Opt out policy rather than opt in on all educational visits.  

  • Unconditional positive regard – By all – Reset each and every day 

  • Try, and then try it again. – By all – Reset each and every day 

  • First in line, in thought, in need. 

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0116 271 7421


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Gartree High School





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