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"Governors are highly effective. They have a very clear idea of how well the school is doing, but continue to challenge leaders to improve teaching and achievement further"

  – Ofsted 2015

Mrs Donna Parmar
Mr Pankaj Pancholi
Mr Philip Storey
Mr Adrian Peryer

Parent Governors:

Mrs Vicky Ball – Dec 2027

Ms Rebecca Ginvert - Dec 2027

Dr Nalita James - Dec 2027

Appointed Governors:
Mr Gupreet Kooner - January 2025

Community Governors:  

Dr Kerry Francksen (Vice Chair)  - May 2027

Mrs Rashdeep Kelf - June 2024

Finance and Audit Committee

Mr Gurpreet Kooner (Chair)
Dr Kerry Francksen

Mrs Rashdeep Kelf

Pay and Personnel Committee:

Dr Kerry Francksen

Ms Rebecca Ginvert

Mrs Vicky Ball

Mrs Rashdeep Kelf

Students Experience and Outcomes Committee:

Dr Kerry Francksen (Chair)
Professor Jim Saker
Dr Nalita James

Mrs Vicky Ball

Ms Rebecca Ginvert

Co-opted Governors:
Professor Jim Saker - Dec 2024

For Parents

For Students

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0116 271 7421


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Gartree High School





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