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This information is provided for use by students and their families, by the staff of Gartree High School, and by companies who wish to create working partnerships with the school to enrich our careers programme.

In Careers Education (CE) at Gartree, students are given a variety of skills to make them more employable in their chosen field. They also undertake multiple areas of study which allow them to identify which skills they have, and which employment paths will keep them satisfied as young adults and beyond.

Strategic Career Education (CE) Plan

Gartree High School Strategic Career Education (CE) Plan

Published May 2020, with the approval of Governing Body and/or Senior Leadership Team

Review Date September 2023

Gartree High School strives to provide its young people with access to up-to-date, unbiased careers advice of the highest standard. Following extensive research, one of the products the school has decided to implement is the Start software package, which is available to all stakeholders – our students, their families and all staff.

In addition to this, the school offers numerous enrichment trips: to universities, to places of employment, to skills fairs, to careers settings. Students may be selected for these based on ability, options choices or on a ‘first come, first served’ basis.

We work with the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP), who provide strategic and operational planning assistance through their Enterprise Adviser Network.

The school provides meaningful guidance on a 1:1 level, working with all students but especially with some of our vulnerable and Pupil Premium students to raise aspirations and assist with identification of career pathways.

In preparation for selecting their KS4 Options, Year 9 students are provided with a mentor (usually their PSHE Teacher, Form Tutor or key staff-member from the Pastoral Team). This gives students the support outside of the curriculum timetable. Staff are trained in accessing Start, and teachers work closely with our Careers Leader and other Heads of Department to ensure students make the correct choice for their futures. Records of these meetings are held for the duration of students’ time at Gartree.

This provision is on top of curriculum guidance, given through Global PHSE (Tutor Time & PSHE) lessons. For an up-to-date operational plan, please see ‘Teaching & Learning CE at Gartree’.

Students are also expected to attend our comprehensive Work Experience Programme during Year 10, with provision evolving to meet the needs of each cohort.

For an up-to-date listing of our school policies, including safeguarding, please follow the link here: 

Work Experience Programme

Following the publication of standards of Careers Education (CE), Gartree High School has implemented an extensive Year 10 Work Experience Programme. This will take place over the course of a week, in accordance with the government’s guidelines regarding the permissible working hours of young people. Under these standards, or, Gatsby Benchmarks, all students must undertake meaningful Work Experience before the age of 16. Year 10 students at Gartree must therefore identify an employer with whom they can undertake a placement for this week.


Teaching & Learning CE at Gartree

The Start software forms the backbone of our formal delivery of CE to students. In accordance with the Gatsby Benchmarks, it guides students through a myriad of research, encouraging them to document their progress, and to evidence their experiences both inside schools and outside of school It mirrors our own practice within school, asking students to identify skills and suggesting roles for them to research further. They may then work their chosen jobs backwards to identify key qualifications they may need to achieve, along with suggested providers and courses.

The software has key information from the labour market, showing them their chances of employability in this field. This is available to parents, students and staff.

 Start software is free to individuals, and available both in and out of school via the Start web portal.

Through ‘Track’, staff can monitor student access, delivering information which is fully responsive to the needs of their class. Staff can view trends and use the information gained to inform the wider school as to where our students’ passions lie.



Gartree’s approach to CE

Year 7 CE – PHSE

  • The benefits of innovation and enterprise.

  • The impact of employment on mental health.

  • Digital PHSE skills and useful practices for the workplace.


Year 8 CE – PHSE

  • An introduction to the pressures of work, looking at the roles key jobs play within our society (including Police, healthcare, etc.).

  • 1:1 meetings with vulnerable students or those with Special Educational Needs, to raise aspirations and get them thinking of the wider world.

Year 9 CE – PHSE

  • Addressing issues of gender and equality (including the gender pay-gap).

  • Money-management and finance – living and planning within one’s means.

  • Study skills and the importance of academic rigour.

  • The impact of donating time to communities through volunteering and working for non-profit organisations

  • Time is spent with Form Tutors looking at employability and focusing on finding the right career pathway for each student

Year 9 CE – PSHE

  • Implementation of the Start/Track software

  • CV Writing

  • Skills identification

Year 10 CE – PHSE

  • Work Experience Application (all students) – including references

  • Start website

  • Interview Clothing & Technique

  • Preparation for the workplace and employers

  • Unemployment

  • Trip: (unless otherwise spec.) World Skills Show, NEC

Employers & Working Partnerships

Students of Gartree should have the very best start to their futures. To ensure this, we operate an extensive CE scheme which strives to achieve all Gatsby Benchmarks.

Part of this requirement is accessibility to employers who wish to have involvement in our CE operations, either through talks, visits, or offers of support with our Work Experience Programme.

Any organisations wishing to pursue this with Gartree High School should contact our Careers Leader of Careers & Global PHSE.


Provider Access Policy

This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers.

The school can provide arranged access to the main hall, classrooms or meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity and in accordance with our safeguarding procedure. This can be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader.

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature with Reception, for access within the careers office. This is accessible to all students at agreed times.

All pupils in years 7-11 are entitled:

  • to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point

  • to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events

  • to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses

Work Experience Program
Teaching and Learning CE
Gartree’s approach to CE
Employers & Working Partnerships

For Parents

For Students

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