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Attendance at Gartree

“Improving attendance is everyone’s business”

Working Together to Improve School Attendance (DfE May 2022)


Gartree High School takes a “Support First” approach to improving school attendance with a greater focus on supportive measures than punitive legal measures.


The Senior Attendance Champion (SAC) leads on School Attendance and works with the Student Welfare Lead to oversee the school’s strategic response to maintaining high levels of attendance. The SAC is Ed Wilson. The Student Welfare Lead is Joel Lavender.


Regular attendance at Gartree High School is essential if students are to achieve their full potential.  


Gartree believes that regular attendance at school is the key to enabling students to maximise the learning opportunities available to them and become emotionally resilient, confident and competent adults who are able to realise their full potential, belong, achieve and make a positive contribution to their community.  

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