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We aim to comply with 11.1.1 Section 69(2) of the Children and Families Act 2014, specifically in explaining:

  • The arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils

These are detailed in the school’s admissions policy and in the Learning Support section of the website. The policy makes provision for children with Statements of Special Education Need or Education Health and Care plans.


  • The steps we have taken to prevent disabled pupils from being treated less favourably than other pupils

The school’s Equality and Diversity Policy addresses this. Staff are instructed to make necessary adjustments in order that disabled students should have equal access to the curriculum. Staff are encouraged to include positive, inclusive images of disabled people where possible in teaching resources, lesson plans and so forth. Our pastoral leaders and mangers have a role to play in educating students about the difficulties faced by disabled pupils, and the pastoral and tutor programmes provide opportunities for form teachers to discuss the issues involved in ensuring disabled students are not treated unfavourably. Physical barriers to the education of disabled students are removed wherever possible – if parents feel we could do more to address such issues, we would like to hear from them. Please contact

At Gartree we seek to create an ethos in which individuals feel valued for their unique contribution.

We actively discourage all discrimination and welcome the Equality Act 2010.

To this end the Governors have adopted an Equal Opportunities Policy (Equality and Diversity Policy), which can be found under “Policies” on the school website. We aim to:

* Eliminate discrimination

* Advance equality of opportunity

* Foster good relations


  • The facilities we provide to help disabled pupils to access the school

Our modern building has been designed to be as accessible as possible to disabled students and parents. There are no steps on approach, with level access through the East, West and North (main) entrances. All the classrooms and other rooms on the ground floor are accessible. There are lifts in the East and West sides of the building, which provide access to the Middle Floor and Top Floor. There are disabled toilets on each of our three floors. Evacuation chairs are provided on the top floor in the event that any evacuation is necessary. Detailed plans of the building are included on the website so that parents and students can locate these features.


  • The plan prepared by the owner under paragraph 3 of schedule 10 to the Equality Act 2010


  • Gartree High School Accessibility Plan Introduction: The SEN and Disability Act 2001, extended the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, (DDA) and was further enhanced and modified by the Equality Act 2010 to cover education. These acts were introduced with the aim of ensuring that all disabled people have an opportunity to participate equally in society. Under the Equality Act, Disability is a specific, ‘Protected Characteristic’.Responsibilities for the school under these acts with respect to disability are largely as follows: 

  • Not to treat disabled pupils less favourably for a reason related to their disability

  • To make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage

  • To plan to increase access to education for disabled pupils

We aim to ensure that those who visit or use Gartree High School (including students, staff, parents and other visitors) can use our facilities with ease. We want to provide an accessible and comfortable place for everyone who comes to our school.


This plan sets out the School’s proposals to increase access to education for disabled pupils in three areas:


  • To increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum

  • To further improve the level of training staff have in supporting children with disabilities

  • To improve the environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services



Current Arrangements:


Gartree High School Accessibility Policy

  • Gartree High School Equal Opportunities Policy encourages people to discuss with us disability considerations with respect to their child or themselves, such that individual plans can be put in place. This will ensure that they can be given the most effective opportunity and access. However, it remains our policy to have due regard to accessibility for all with respect to any decisions made affecting accessibility and the policies therein.


Physical Access to Buildings and Classrooms.


  • The current premises design and layout does fully support accessibility to all areas of the school. The building incorporates accessible toilets on every floor and has large doors giving full access to the outdoor areas.    There is a lift at each end of the building.

  • The playgrounds are also fully accessible with no restrictions as these are level with the main school building.



Evacuation Procedures


  • Gartree High School’s fire and evacuation policy lays down basic procedures for the safe efficient evacuation of the school buildings. As necessary, individual pupil evacuation plans are put in place. Such procedures will be discussed with the pupil and parents and would be set out in the individual plan for the pupil.


Curriculum Access – Teaching and Learning


  • At Gartree High School our aim is that pupils with disabilities should, as far as possible, have access to a full and broad curriculum, similar to that followed by their peers.

  • At Gartree High School we will do everything in our power to support pupils with a range of disabilities including, sight and hearing, physical disability as well as learning difficulties of varying degrees. Decisions are to be taken on an individual basis with due regard for a child’s needs.

  • Our teachers understand that pupils have different ways of learning and adapt their lessons to the different groups within their class.



Informal Curriculum


  • Students at Gartree High School are able to participate fully in the wide range of activities offered beyond the classroom consistent with the limitations imposed by any disability.

  • At Gartree High School arrangements for play, recreation and other aspects of a child’s social development are incorporated into the child’s individual education plan. The suitability of any event and the need for additional support is discussed fully with the parents in advance.


Access to Written Information

We currently have a varied methodology for communicating with parents, carers and pupils, these include:


  • Notes we send home with pupils about specific events and projects

  • Newsletters each week

  • Information from our Web site

  • Messages sent via My Child At School

  • Phoning parents when we know that they cannot read the information we send home.

Our teachers understand that pupils have different ways of learning and adapt their lessons to the different groups within their class.At Gartree High School we will do everything in our power to support pupils with a range of disabilities including, sight and hearing, physical disability as well as learning difficulties of varying degrees. Decisions are to be taken on an individual basis with due regard for a child’s needs.

Maps of the building, to show accessibility measures (Click buttons below)

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0116 271 7421


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